Updated 12 AUG 2021

Denomination Ålsesund Hospital
ICAO indicator ENAX*
Ownership Helse Møre og Romsdal Hf, Postboks 1600 Åsehaugen 5, 6026 Ålesund
Contact Name/Surname Leif-Erling Løvoll
Email Leif-Erling.Lovoll@helse-mr.no
Phone (+47) 915 78 373
Landing Area Specifications Position 622746.5480N 0061844.6400E
Elevation 74 FT
Location On the land - surface level
FATO Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 25 (radius)
TLOF Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 25 (radius)
Slope < 2%
Safety Area 4.2 M
D-value 16.7 M
Surface Concrete, PCN-80/R/B/W/U
Max Weight Load 15600 KG
Fire Fighting CAT H2
Designators (approach sectors) 09-27 260° approach/landing only
268.5 take off/departure only
09-27 104.5° approach/landing only
113° take off/departure only
Operational Info OBST Approach area 104.5 ° / departure area 268.5 °: Trees.
Approach surface 260 ° / departure surface 113 °: Obstacle-free.
Windsock Located on the top of the tallest hospital building north of the helicopter base.
Fuel JET A-1 is available through the operator at the base.
RMK Helipad is located south of the helicopter base building.
Emergency room access through hangar.
Instrument Procedures

Updated 15 AUG 2019

Denomination Bergen Heliport, Grønneviksøren
ICAO indicator ENBG*
Ownership Helse-Bergen HF, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, PO Box 1400, 5021 Bergen
Contact Name/Surname Geir Brügger
Email geir.brugger@helse-bergen.no
Phone +47 932 30 480
Landing Area Specifications Position 602247.5313N 0052045.9006E
Elevation 10 FT
Location on the land - on surface
Dimensions (M) 20,52 (diameter)
Dimensions (M) 20,52 (diameter)
Slope <2%, somewhat uneven
Safety Area Rectangle 34,3M x 60M around FATO/TLOF (marked)
D-value 13,68 M
Surface asphalt
Max Weight Load > 15000 KG
Fire Fighting CAT H2
Designators (approach sectors) 09-27 09 (090°) take off  and landing allowed
27 (270°) take off  and landing allowed
05-23 05 (052°) take off  and landing allowed
23 (232°) take off  and landing allowed
Operational Info OBST 1. Western sector: arrival and departure sectors with center line 270 ° - 90 °, has no hindrances.
- The side face to the west has posts with red marking lights, otherwise no buildings when the surface goes out over water.
2. Eastern sector: arrival and departure sectors with center line 52 ° - 232 °:
- Side surface to the east: Hangar marked with obstacle lights mounted on a the windsock. Fuel tank located along the north facade of the hangar and marked with obstacle lights.
- Side surface facing south: Pump housing (h = approx. 5.0 meters) marked with obstacle lights.
- Side surface to the north has no hindrance when the surface goes out over water.
Windsock Located on the south-west corner of the hangar roof.

Updated 15 AUG 2019

Denomination Bergen helikopterplass, Haukeland Sykehus
ICAO indicator ENBX*
Ownership Helse-Bergen HF, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Postboks 1400, 5021 Bergen
Contact Name/Surname Geir Brügger
Email geir.brugger@helse-bergen.no
Phone +47 932 30 480
Landing Area Specifications Position 602223.3080N 0052130.1543E
Elevation 252 FT
Location on the land - Top of a building on raised structure
FATO Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 12.1 (radius)
TLOF Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 12.1 (radius)
Slope < 3%
Safety Area 4,16 M
D-value 16,66 M
Surface Aluminiumsbelagt
Max Weight Load 16000 KG
Fire Fighting CAT H2
Designators (approach sectors) 14-32 14 (139°) take off  and landing allowed
32 (319°) take off  and landing allowed
17-35 17 (168°) take off  and landing allowed
35 (348°) take off  and landing allowed
Operational Info OBST There is full obstacle clearance in all planes and directions, with the exception of a small elevator / stairwell leading to the emergency room.
This elevator / staircase is located on the side face to the north, outside the safety zone and is marked with obstacle lights. No effect on the arrival/departure sectors.
Windsock Located on the elevator house north of the helideck.
RMK Location: On / above the south-western corner of the Central Block

Updated 28 JAN 2021

Denomination Harstad/Stangnes
ICAO indicator ENHR*
Ownership Heli Eiendom AS, Stangnesterminalen 2D, 9409 Harstad
Contact Name/Surname Bjørn Steien
Email bjorn.steien@heliteam.no
Phone (+47) 77 00 16 40
Landing Area Specifications Position 684646.7040N 0163543.7640E
Elevation 9 FT
Location On the land
FATO Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 11.25 (radius)
TLOF Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 3.75 (radius)
Slope < 2%
Safety Area 3.75 M
D-value 15 M
Surface Asphalt
Max Weight Load NIL
Fire Fighting CAT NIL
Designators (approach sectors) 06-24 06 (060°) take off only
24 (240°) landing only
01-19 01 (010°) landing only
190 (190°) take off only
Operational Info OBST: Light mast north of FATO. Ships with tall mast may dock in the vicinity of FATO.
Windsock: Located on hangar.
Fuel: JET-A1 available.
Instrument Procedures

Updated 28 JAN 2021

Denomination Helgeland Hospital - Mo I Rana
ICAO indicator ENMX*
Ownership Helse Nord, Helgelandssykehuset - Sjøforsgata 36, Mo 8607
Contact Name/Surname Åge Trones
Email age.trones@helgelandssykehuset.no
Phone (+47) 75 12 59 41
Landing Area Specifications Position 661935.8320N 0141105.2080E
Elevation 71 FT
Location On the ground level
FATO Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 14,9 (radius)
TLOF Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 10,2 (radius)
Slope <2°
Safety Area 1 M
D-value 15 M
Surface Asphalt PCN-20 F/A/W/U
Max Weight Load ≤ 15000 KG
Fire Fighting CAT H1
Designators (approach sectors) 09-27 09 take off and landing allowed
27 take off and landing allowed
Operational Info NIL
Instrument Procedures

Updated 15 AUG 2019

Denomination Rosten Heliport, Trondheim
ICAO indicator ENRT*
Ownership NLA Solutions AS, Postboks 414, 0103 Oslo - Tlf.64 90 44 44
Contact Name/Surname Thomas Nerland - NLA Solutions AS
Email thomas.nerland@norskluftambulanse.no
Phone +47 913 70 537
Landing Area Specifications Position 632205.3076N 0102226.2992E
Elevation 433 FT
Location on the land - on surface
FATO Shape Circle
Dimensions (M) 10,35 m  (radius)
TLOF Shape Circle
Dimensions (M) 10,35 m  (radius)
Slope <2%
Safety Area 3,6 M
D-value 13,7 M
Surface asphalt
Max Weight Load > 15000 KG
Fire Fighting CAT NIL
Designators (approach sectors) 260 - 080 080° take off  and landing allowed
260° take off  and landing allowed
050-230 050° take off  and landing allowed
230° take off  and landing allowed
Operational Info OBST Arrival/departure sector with center line 260°:
Industrial building and plastic hall located below the approach/arrival surface and marked with obstacle lights.
Arrival/departure sector with center line 050° has no hindrances.
Side surfaces south and east: the hangar is an obstacle.
The hangar is marked with obstacle lights.
Side surfaces to the north have no hindrances.
Windsock located on the east corner of the hangar. It is illuminated
RMK The landing site is located in an industrial area.

Updated 18 JUL 2019

Denomination Trondheim / St. Olavs Hospital Helipad
ICAO indicator ENTR*
Ownership St. Olavs Hospital HF avd. Eiendom (STOE), P.O Box 3250 Sluppen, 7006 Trondheim
Contact Name/Surname Airport Manager Roald Hammer
Email roald.hammer@stolav.no
Phone (+47) 469 39 645
Landing Area Specifications Position 632511.6400°N 0102308.8000°E
Elevation 151 FT AMSL
Location Top of a building
FATO Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 12,1 M (radius)
TLOF Shape circle
Dimensions (M) 12,1 M (radius)
Safety Area 4,5 M
D-value 24,2 M
Surface Aluminium, friction profile, heated
Max Weight Load Max 16000 KG
Fire Fighting CAT H2
Designators (approach sectors) 14-32 14 (140°) take off and landing allowed
32 (320°) take off and landing allowed
16-34 16 (165°) take off and landing allowed
34 (345°) take off and landing allowed
Operational Info OBST: Elevator structure east of helipad.
Windsock: Lit.

Updated 30 NOV 2023

Denomination Taraldrud / Police Readiness Center
ICAO indicator ENTX*
Ownership National Police Directorate, P.O Box 8501, 0031 Oslo
Contact Name/Surname Airport Manager Jørn B Glenne
Email jorn.baltzer.glenne@politiet.no
Phone (+47) 22 48 12 61
Landing Area Specifications Position 594813.98°N 0105026.45°E
Elevation 498 FT AMSL
Location On the land - on surface
FATO Shape Rectangular
Dimensions (M) 304,2 M x 34,2 M
TLOF Shape Square
Dimensions (M) 34,2 M x 27.0 M
Safety Area Paved area, According BSL E 3-6
D-value 17.10 M
Surface Asphalt and concrete
Max Weight Load >16000 KG
Fire Fighting CAT H2
Designators (approach sectors) 160 160 take off and landing allowed
360 360 take off and landing allowed
Operational Info OBST: No sigificant OBST in vicinity of FATO
Windsock: Lit. Located on hangar.
Noise abatement procedure: in place for VFR ARR/DEP
PPR: Yes
SID/PinS: Approved OPR only
Instrument Procedures